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Membership Form

Membership Process - STEP 1 of 3

Get your membership following this simple Step-by-Step process

Fill The Form

Complete the Form with your original and authentic information.

Fill The Following Form

Submit Fee

Submit the Fee according to the opted membership type.

Fee Submission

Collect Card

We will call you to collect your Card. You can opt-in to receive it on your address.

Call Support

– OR –

Download Form

Alternatively you can also download the Membership Form here.

Membership Form

  1.  Download the form and print it
  2.  Fill it with right information
  3.  Scan the Membership Form and send it to: marketing@pyhahostels.com and CC: finance@pyhahostels.com
  4.  Mail with the subject: New Membership Application
  5.  Attach your Scanned CNIC, 2 copies of passport size latest Photographs and Student ID Card in case you are applying for student membership
  6.  Wait for acknowledgement of the reception of Membership Form by PYHA authorized person
  7.  Proceed to next step: Submit the Membership Fee

Pakistan Youth Hostels Association also offers International Memberships to Students, Non-Students and Professionals travelling abroad to avail affordable lodging in 4500 youth hostels in more than 60 countries in the world.

Fee Structure

If you want to become a member of Pakistan Youth Hostels Association and avail the benefits of membership. Check out the Fee Structure here.

Click Here

Membership FAQ's

Do you have a burning question about our PYHA Membership and which option is best for you? Read our helpful guide to find all your answers.

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Terms & Conditions

Please read our Membership Terms & Conditions. We are not-for-profit organization and want to maintain the standards for our members.

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